Contact [email protected] for current availability

If you are a medical practitioner or health professional looking to treat PANS/PANDAS/BGE in your own clinic, Dr. O’Hara’s mentoring program is made for you.
If you are a parent looking to have your child's health practitioner mentored by Dr. O'Hara, you are in the right place.
When you sign up for a mentoring session, you will benefit from:
- One-on-one and group virtual or in-person mentoring sessions with Dr. O’Hara.
- Dr. O’Hara's review of your patient or client’s history, laboratory testing and questions as provided prior to your mentoring session.
- Dr. O’Hara’s famous flowchart: a one-page guide for diagnosing and treating PANS/PANDAS/BGE (will be emailed after your first session).
The aim of the mentorship program is to equip you with the knowledge, skills and tools you need to recognize and treat PANS/PANDAS/BGE in your own practice.
SPECIAL NOTE: We highly recommend signing up for the Membership Program first as this will get you started at your own pace with:
- Detailed videos that walk you through every step to understanding, diagnosing, and treating PANS/PANDAS/BGE.
- Individualized, tailored lectures (40 more will be added in 2024).
- Live, quarterly Q & A with Dr. O’Hara and more experts in the field.
- Live and recorded monthly teachings on all the topics important to you and your child or patient.
Virtual mentoring is offered in packages, one-on-one with Dr. O’Hara, or in a group of peers (hand-picked by you or assigned by Dr. O’Hara to meet your needs):
- One Session (Typically 1 hour)
- Quarterly (4 Sessions)
- Monthly (12 Sessions)
Dr. O’Hara can also provide individual mentoring in your office or hers. Please contact our staff for details ([email protected]).
The mentoring program is available to a diverse range of medical and health practitioners, including:
- MDs
- NDs
- DOs
- PAs
- Nurses
- Dietitians
- Nutritionists
- Chiropractors
- Therapists
- and more
Don’t see yourself in this list? Contact us to see if the mentoring program is right for you.
Try our membership first
The aim of the membership program is to equip you with the knowledge, skills and tools you need to recognize and treat PANS/PANDAS/BGE in your own practice. We highly recommend signing up for the Membership Program first to get you started at your own pace with:
- Detailed videos that walk you through every step to understanding, diagnosing, and treating PANS/PANDAS/BGE
- Individualized, tailored lectures (new videos added annually)
- Live and recorded quarterly Q&As with Dr. O’Hara and other experts in the field
- Live and recorded monthly webinars on all the topics important to you and your child or patient
Virtual mentoring
Virtual mentoring sessions are conducted through video calls.
Plan |
Sessions |
Price |
Hourly |
As needed |
$600 per session |
Quarterly |
4 |
$2000 pre-paid (save $400) |
Monthly |
12 |
$5000 pre-paid (save $2,200) |
In-person mentoring
In-person mentoring sessions are full-day sessions conducted in my office or at your preferred location.
Our office
Option 1 |
$1500/day |
Option 2 |
$5000/week |
Your location
Option 1 |
$1500/day + travel and lodging (TBD) |
Option 2 |
$5000/week + travel and lodging (TBD) |
Please contact [email protected]Â for our current fee schedule, and read our FAQs for more information.

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